Monday, January 31, 2011

making an ePub

I've wanted to make artist books for a while and make them available for people to download from my art blog. I'm also not incredibly keen on PDFs, I'm not sure why, I'm just not. So when I found out that you can make ePubs and people can download them to their iPhones, and reading devices, and what not, I thought "Hooray!".

So in my first step I made a test book using the export to ePub function in Pages, and that worked, and then I made a second book but that one came out a little bit wonky, basically because the word processing program started to put in extra formatting.

Then I found out that you can make ePubs yourself using XML, CSS and XHTML. This sounds very sensible and good to me because it means that I am putting in the formatting rather than letting a machine do it. So my next step is to do this tutorial Build a digital book with EPUB. I will see how I go.

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